made EASY

A 30 lesson course for entrepreneurs who want to

save time and money by using AI to write elite LinkedIn content.

Hi I'm Luke and I've been seen in such places as...

Use AI to create elite content in minutes

While still sounding authentic and unique.

What you'll learn from AI WRITING made EASY

  • How to build on LinkedIn to finish 2024 strong.

  • How to source content ideas so fast it'll scare you.

  • How to write elite copy with AI
    using Supergrow & Microsoft Copilot.

  • How to use AI to craft your personal brand WITHOUT sounding robotic or generic.

  • How to use AI to build a bigger audience organically on LinkedIn.

  • How to network like a seasoned sales pro so you always know who to connect with...

  • Annnnddd finally you'll learn how to write AI content so fast it'll shock you...


  • Get access to over 20 guides and tutorials in Notion

    (Updated monthly for extra value)

  • Get 3 Months FREE of Supergrow for buying today (worth $90)

  • Monthly Group Call for 3 Months reviewing your AI posts.

This is your moment to learn to write with AI.

I've been growing brands on LinkedIn for over 4 years now.

Join me and learn AI, save time and start scaling your brand on LinkedIn.

Get AI WRITING made EASY for $397

Join 350+ Students...

Jordy has already finished the course and this is his review.......

Hi I'm Jordy..

I used to run a web development agency, and now I'm starting an AI development agency for our marketers. I realized that now was the right time for me to start building my LinkedIn to get sales for my new business.

I wanted to find a strategy that would get me results the fastest with the least amount of time invested. And as an AI engineer and a big AI fan, I knew that the answer to that was to learn how to apply AI to growing my LinkedIn.

So I set out to find the creator that was the best at this. And then I found Luke's course....

I finished the whole course in two days because it was just so good. I got exactly what I wanted by learning how to use AI to write posts that actually perform and save me so much time.

I think that Luke is the only creator right now that really knows how to make the most of AI on LinkedIn, so buying this course gives you an immediate competitive advantage.

Some examples are using perplexity to easily get up to date post content writing hooks with AI, using copilot to scrape web pages to transform into post content with AI. And the value is just insane because the only human input needed on your post is a little bit of editing at the end, which is also covered in the course.

So I bought quite a few LinkedIn courses and I was always quite disappointed, to be honest. I've always felt like most of them were. I felt a bit scammed, to be honest. But if you are into AI and you want to grow on LinkedIn, then there's really no other option than this course.

Unlike most overnight "AI experts" selling a course,

I actually grow LinkedIn brands with AI (every single day).

Here's what some of my fellow LinkedIn creators and clients are saying..

To win on LinkedIn in 2024. You need to invest time.

But you are WASTING it posting and praying without results...

  • You don't have a repeatable content system

  • You don't use the right tools to create attractive content

  • You don't network properly so you waste time on bad leads

  • You take too long to research, brainstorm, and write posts

  • You don't share stories that get sales or conversions

  • You aren't building a long-term pipeline with your brand

  • You know AI is a huge money ship but u are falling behind

You're right... The answer to grow online is AI.

It can 5X your productivity and profits... if done right.

You can create elite content in minutes leveraging AI but you need the right prompts and LinkedIn strategies or it's pointless.

Get my best prompts, tools & tips!

This all sounds good in theory doesn't it?

Who wouldn't want to save a bunch of time researching and writing posts...

But I can hear the voices in your head already:

"Luke I've played around with ChatGPT and the posts don't sound like me at all........

Here's the deal about AI generated content, it can't do 100% of the job.

You need to learn the BASICS of copywriting, formatting and UNDERSTAND what a good LinkedIn post looks like...

Lucky for you I'm sharing with you my key principles for LinkedIn growth, copywriting and formatting before we tackle how to write with AI....

I like to use the following formula:

Let AI do 70% of the job for you with sourcing content ideas and writing posts

and then do the final 30% yourself.

In my course I will show you how to do it all, but this is not a magic formula. We will still be editing posts manually and you will have to put in the work to win...

This is your moment to learn to write with AI.

Save time, focus on networking and build your brand.

Course Outline

  • Unit 0: The LinkedIn Basics

  • Unit 1: Build your Content System

  • Unit 2: How to Source Content Ideas with AI

  • Unit 3: How to Write with AI (for Beginners)

  • Unit 4: How to Write with AI (Advanced)

  • Unit 5: How to Win on LinkedIn (Beyond AI)


    20 Guides & Tutorials on Notion

    3 months of Supergrow ($90 value)

    A monthly group call for 3 months (to revew your AI posts)

The time is now to start

building your brand with AI on LinkedIn.

Get AI WRITING made EASY for $397

Join 350+ Students...

Here's the deal, you can't just use AI blindly...

You NEED some secret sauce...

There's lots of AI gurus out there and I'm another one. Wait, bet you didn't expect to read that did you?

So let me double down on that and just share some social proof. I've got over 175,000 followers on LinkedIn and I've been growing brands on the platform since early 2020.

I started off skeptical of AI like everyone else. But in early 2023 I started playing around with ChatGPT and BingChat and realized...

that I'd be able to finally achieve my livelong dream....

Build an empire with robot slaves where I didn't have to deal with any humans. 🤣

I quickly moved my ghostwriting business to 100% async and started using AI prompting to write my clients posts.

It wasn't until December 2023 after months of playing with AI and testing 100s of prompts on clients that I began to share on my own personal LinkedIn page about AI.

So am I an AI guru? Yeah I'm pretty good. Not at all the deep over-technical AI stuff but I do specialize in using AI for mass custom content creation on LinkedIn.

I've used AI to write for agency and also build my personal brand. So yeah, if you wanna learn from someone, I'm a good choice.

Tap below to judge my AI-empowered results for yourself....

Write with AI and Win on LinkedIn with these 5 AI Tools..

I've written thousands of posts..

since 2016 and worked with hundreds of brands across Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. I’ve got over 10,000 hours of experience on LinkedIn alone.

The AI boom is just starting. There's still time to learn and take advantage of the wave. To complete this course, we use 5 specific tools.

4 of the tools are FREE + you get access to Supergrow for free for 3 months...

The 5 Tools you need for this course are:

PerplexityAI can quickly find relevant articles and sources for all of your posts. It is the Google of the AI world.

FirefliesAI is an AI transcription tool that gives you 800 minutes a month free. Use it for records of your calls.

Microsoft Copilot is the tool I've chosen INSTEAD of ChatGPT... Main reason? You can scrape data in real time.

Notion is where I host a lot of the tutorials and bonuses for the course + it's what I reccomend to use for content management.

Supergrow is great for beginners who just want to use AI, get posts done super fast with awesome formatting.

Get 3 Months FREE of Supergrow for buying today...

Supergrow is an awesome LinkedIn personal branding tool and the number one AI tool I reccomend to beginners. .

You can generate posts in minutes that are tailored towards your tone of 2 Columnvoice. It is also incredible for quickly reformatting your content and making sure you edit to optimize for LinkedIn.

Supergrow also has scheduling, analytics, and even a carousel maker! I feature supergrow in Unit 3....

This unit is the one that everyone who wants to quickly get started with AI writing needs to pay attention too.

Supergrow can:

Quickly format your posts.

Quickly go from prompt to post.

Quickly go from prompt to carousel.

Quickly write AI posts in your tone of voice.

You are going to love this unit and Supergrow...

The time is now to scale with AI

LinkedIn is the best social media platform in 2024. Don't believe me?

Check out these stats:

Linkedin now has 1 billion members
31% of the traffic comes from the USA
Over 30% of American adults use LinkedIn
53% of Americans with a degree use LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the MOST trusted platform by brands and businesses.

Marketers have 2x higher conversion & engagement rates on LinkedIn.

Members on LInkedIn have 2x the buying power of any other online audience.

Creators, freelancers and business owners are fleeing TikTok, Twitter and Instagram for LinkedIn.

If you are serious about business (B2B or B2C), LinkedIn is the best platform to focus on in 2024.

The best way to build on LinkedIn is AI + your personal brand.

Get AI WRITING made EASY for $397
Join 350+ Students...

Who is this course for?

My course will help you understand how to win on LinkedIn and most importantly...

How to write efficiently with AI and save tons of time.

This course is for:

Beginners (Unit 3 is for you)

Advanced users (Unit 4 is for you)

Humans looking to build a personal brand

Humans looking to build their business

Humans looking to start posting on LinkedIn

Robots who are from the future thanks to me...

Look I've made this course so that even my mom could take it and start writing with AI.

It is dummy proof and made easy.

Unit's 1 to 3 are very very easy to understand and will help even the newest LinkedIn creator start using AI with their content.

BUT, I've also created Unit's 4 and 5 for advanced users.... (with a bonus module coming soon)

Basically I created this course to be usable by anyone (even your mom) and everyone looking to win on LinkedIn and use AI writing to do so.

Do I get lifetime access to the course?

Yes you will get lifetime access to the course for as long as I am in business on LinkedIn.

Will you be adding more lessons to the course?

I may add extra units throughout the year because AI is always changing. For now this is it but I will be adding new prompts, tutorials and GPTs in the Notion Hub that comes with the course purchase.

How do the monthly calls work and for how long?

For June, July and August I will do one monthly call with everyone as a group who buys my course during the launch which ends on Sunday May 19th. After that I have no plans to continue calls but we shall see.

Need a discount on the course?

Look I'm a straight shooter so I'm going to be real with you.

Income inequality is a real thing in our world. I personally believe in paying people what they are worth.

I hired a GenZ kid from India who turned out to be the best decision I've ever made in business. Shoutout to you Aadi!!!

I pay him the same rate that I would've paid someone from the UK (where I started my company).

Anyways the point is.. I know many of you want to take my course but can't afford it because you get paid less and are from a different part of the world.

NOTE: Please do not apply unless you actually can't afford the course due to income inequality.

Please apply below, Aadi and I will review your application and do our best to make a fair decision.

Wizard of ODD Marketing LLC

30 N Gould St Ste R Sheridan WY 82801

Copywright 2024 All Rights Reserved.