LinkedIn Ghostwriting

LinkedIn is the best social media platform in 2024

(here's a few stats for ya)

Linkedin now has 1 billion members
31% of the traffic comes from the USA
Over 30% of American adults use LinkedIn
53% of Americans with a degree use LinkedIn

Ages 30-49 use the platform the most

LinkedIn is the MOST trust platform by brands

Marketers have 2x higher conversion and engagement rates on LinkedIn thanks to members on LInkedIn having 2x the buying power

of any other online audience.

LinkedIn is the platform to build on in 2024

I have been building brands for over 4 years now on LinkedIn and have worked with 100s of brands.

I've got 160k followers on LinkedIn
I've been making money on the platform since 2020

I've got three ways you can work with me right now

and your answers + the power of AI will

determine how we work together

Please fill out all these questions honestly

and my AI will redirect you accordingly

Chat soon (unless your broke)

Please enter your monthly revenue in dollars.

By submitting my business qualification information, I understand Luke Matthews and The Wizard of Odd Marketing agency receives dozens of applicants per week and I may not qualify for services at this time.

What LinkedIn Creators & Founders are saying..

30 N Gould St Ste R Sheridan Wyoming 82801

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