I'm a cringe LinkedIn Influencer with 178k followers.
I'm a cringe LinkedIn influencer with 178,000 followers. I know, I know you didn't even know that people posted content on LinkedIn.
Well, surprise, surprise, they do, and I am perhaps the cringiest of them all.
But there's nothing cringe about the lifestyle I've built thanks to my LinkedIn Ghostwriting Agency.
I travel the world, work remotely where and when I want, and I pick and choose my clients...
In the last 4 years of running my business on LinkedIn, I've ghostwritten thousands of posts and ghostwritten for over 50 businesses, CEOs, speakers, and professionals. I've made 10x what I did in my previous construction career and recently partnered with Artlist, Notion and for this challenge I'm partnering with Ahrefs...

I'm utilizing Ahrefs to build a blog from zero. It's got some insane tools and one I'm really impressed with is the "AI Content Helper" which is in beta.
The tool analyzes your blog post and gives it a score out of 100. This score is an honest review of your content, compared to competitors against the topics you are trying to rank for.
It's an awesome tool and I'm really hoping it helps my blogs rank in Google!
Anyways I have to say it's pretty dang cool to be able to work with world class tools like Ahrefs and Notion and not too bad ROI at all from cringe posting on Linkedin and ghostwriting for clients.
Okay, so I blew your mind a bit; let's back up a bit.....
Just what is ghostwriting?
Ghostwriting is simply just writing material on behalf of another person, and they get the credit for it. A really good ghostwriter is someone skilled with words, who studies their clients, and tries to write in their tone of voice.
I often relate it to being an actor; you are studying a role, and your job is to become the person. Except in the case of ghostwriting, you are just simply writing on behalf of the person.
CEOs and executives hire ghostwriters on LinkedIn to help drive traffic and sales to their companies and projects.
Typically the ghostwriter does not receive any credit publically whatsoever.
Now look if I'm losing you WAIT!!!! Just like...
Go listen to my voice on YouTube okay....
then come back and read some more....
So, wait, how did you become a ghostwriter and content creator on LinkedIn?
My LinkedIn journey began like most other "content creators" on LinkedIn....
A 2019 Gary Vaynerchuk video.
Yes, indeed, ol Gary at the time was screaming about two platforms.
TikTok and LinkedIn. At the time, I had just started my social media marketing business, focusing on Instagram, and was exploring multiple platforms...
I didn't like the vibes on TikTok, and a new IG client I had wanted me to figure out LinkedIn.
So I decided to learn LinkedIn. I had 33 connections at the time, and well, I soon discovered that LinkedIn in 2020 was like walking into an old folks home.
It was very, VERY uptight.
Boring educational content ruled the platform, and so naturally, I had a crazy idea to stand out.
Why not say whatever I wanted, treat it like Instagram, and lean into being super cringe and random?
So I was.
Selfies, memes, GIFs... You name the cringe content and I shared it. I wrote posts about hating bacon, loving pizza, writing drunk, and well..... I would do things like share a half-naked selfie, stream drunk from the Scottish highlands, and host live meme battles roasting other LinkedIn creators... I went live on LInkedIn for 24 hours in a row, and I've been banned multiple times thanks to pushing the limits.
One of my recent bans was a comment about a troll declaring that he had a small dick.
I was the guy that said what you wanted to say and the funny thing is....
The corporate peeps loved it.
See, my business is ghostwriting content for CEOs on LinkedIn. As I grew in my career, I began to focus on targeting tech CEOs, and then I moved to focus on AI startups, newsletters, and founders... With a specific focus on those founders who had exited previous companies.
What I found was that my ideal target client was a rebel. Someone who had money to spend was a bit counter-cultural and was looking for someone with an interesting edge.
All of my clients on LinkedIn discovered me through the posts that I would share.
Yes, that means I converted clients by talking about bacon, pizza, and memes.
Clients that run million-dollar companies and massive newsletters.
I found these clients thanks to, you guessed it...
Cringe outlandish content.
Two Compelling Reasons why Sharing Cringe Content works well on LinkedIn and why it can drive leads and revenue to your business..
Now, just what is cringe content?
I would describe cringe content as shower thoughts, selfies with a personal transformation story, random thoughts about business and life, and, well, just the kind of post that when you log into social media, you go, oooooooo.
Here's the deal about cringe content.
I did not grow the fastest thanks to cringe content, BUT I did build a very loyal following and converted clients extremely well thanks to the crazier I became on the platform.
Now you might be asking yourself, "wait, wait on LinkedIn??" Isn't that just a place for resumes and job searches and stuff? How could there possibly be room for this kind of foolishness?
Well, yes, you'd be right.
LinkedIn is very corporate. It's a place where you are supposed to share educational content and be very serious.
Now there are a few ways to win on LinkedIn. I focus on driving traffic organically through content.
This means no paid ads or cold outreach. Just posting content.
While most creators on LinkedIn focus on educational content, I made a name for myself and built a brand sharing cringe content.
When everyone zigs, go zag and stuff. You get it.
Okay let's get into a practical breakdown here on why cringe content can help you drive more traffic and leads on LinkedIn..
1. Everyone is afraid to stand out.
Cringe content, it helps you stand out. LinkedIn is now over 1 billion users and the competition is starting to heat up.
Yep, your favorite Instagram influencer is checking out the platform and debating starting a ghostwriting business..
Okay maybe not, but there are WAY more ghostwriters in 2024 than there was back in 2020 when I first got started.
The easiest way to stand out amongst your peers, is embracing cringe content.
Share your story, have a unique point of view on a popular topic and show personality when you are connecting with other people on the platform.
Lots of people are too busy worrying about how they look, and what others will think of them instead of just embracing “the cringe” and just writing interesting content.
If you are looking to drive business organically on LinkedIn as a creator,standing out is your friend.
So become the person known for talking about oranges all the time or who takes a picture with a pink umbrella in every post or what if you drink from the same coffee cup in every single one of your videos.
You’d be memorable.
Yes you’d be cringe, but you’d stand out and standing out is how you win on social media.
2. Become your own niche and go micro. It’ll direct your path.
You need to “find” yourself a unique niche to win. That means something to guide your content, offer, and good profile on LinkedIn.
People need to understand WHAT you do and WHY you’re different and they need to know it FAST. If they don’t, they won't follow or pay you.
I tell stories that have a soul, and target entrepreneurs that like to live outside the box and my content speaks to them. It may be cringe, but its super narrow and targeted and you either hate it or love it.
Instead of competing to try and be another “Copywriter for famous authors” why not do something cringe and go “I write sarcastic content that converts for 6 figure authors that are extra”...
By going super niche, you become the ONLY choice for that specific person. If I was a 6 figure author who really liked myself and I was scrolling LinkedIn and saw you posting something cringe and your profile was all about sarcastic content that converts…
I’d want to hire you.
I think you see where I’m heading with this.
On LinkedIn in 2024, you need to stand out and so if your method of standing out is going to be cringe….
Go all the way or go post on Tiktok or something….
PS if you want to find your niche, learn to write with AI and win on LinkedIn then you'll want to grab my free 7-day email course.
Get it by clicking on the link below: